The Club shall be run for the benefit of its players. Its objective is to ensure that the youngsters benefit and enjoy participation in a sporting activity. It shall not be run as a profit making organisation.
The teams shall be known as Randlay Colts Junior Football Club.
Teams may, with the agreement of the Management Committee, adopt a distinguishing suffix e.g. Randlay Colts Blues, whites, Colts, Eagles, Hawks, Swifts, this to apply only for the duration of the season.
The club colours are Royal Blue, White and Black, Royal Blue should be the predominant colour.
The teams shall compete in the Telford Junior Youth League, The Shropshire Girls League and/or any other League and Cup Competitions as deemed appropriate
The club will run with a policy of enjoyment for all and developing young footballers, no young person shall be denied the opportunity to partake in football if the requirements of this constitution are fulfilled..
The Club shall have the status of an Affiliated Member Club of The Football Association by virtue of its affiliation to/membership of The Football Association. The Rules and Regulations of The Football Association Ltd and parent County Association and any League or Competition to which the Club is affiliated for the time being shall be deemed to be incorporated into the Club Rules.
The Club rules form a binding agreement between each member of the Club and parents. These are set out on the payer/parent conduct forms.
Every child or young person who plays or participates in football, should be able to take part in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from abuse. This is the responsibility of every adult involved in football.
Randlay Colts Junior Football Club recognizes its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people by protecting them from physical, sexual or emotional harm and from neglect or bullying. It is determined to meet its obligation to ensure that it provides football opportunities for children and young people, to the highest possible standard. In doing so, Randlay Colts Junior Football Club fully endorses and abides by the Football Association Child Protection Policy Procedures.
Football belongs to, and should be enjoyed by, everyone equally. Randlay Colts Junior Football Club is committed to providing opportunities for everyone to participate in football regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or ability. The Club will also abide by The Football Association’s Anti-Discrimination, Equality Policy, Safeguarding Children Policy and Respect Program. All teams will adopt best practice guidelines as promulgated by the FA.
Players, Officials, Parents & Spectators will be required to agree to and comply with FA Respect Codes of Conduct.
Membership Classifications
An Affiliated Member shall be a player who is registered with a league to which Randlay Colts is affiliated to and has completed an Affiliated Membership Registration form and paid the appropriate registration fee and maintained their Club Subscription payments. An Affiliated Member shall be referred to as a ‘Member’ under this constitution.
A Non-Affiliated Member is a player who is either signed for a league not affiliated to by Randlay Colts JFC or is not signed to any league (and therefore unable to play in affiliated League or Cup games) and has not completed an Affiliated Membership Registration form and not paid the registration fee. Under this constitution, unless defined otherwise, Non-Affiliated Members shall be considered as an affiliated member and will abide by the requirements set out within this document.
Members of the Club may be drawn from any locality within a certain radius, as defined by League Rules, of the Club Headquarters. The current limit has been revised and there is no limit to where a child lives to be able to play.
Members of the Club must be within the age limit for that particular age group, as defined by the affiliated League.
The members of the Club from time to time shall be those persons listed in the register of members (the Membership Register), which shall be maintained by the Club Secretary or the appointed member. Non-Affiliated Members shall not be recorded on the club register of members but recorded on training registers by team managers.
Maximum League Registration of each team shall be determined by the appropriated League Rules.
Members must abide by Club rules regarding behavior, appearance, attitude, etc.
Membership of the club requires payment of a registration fee and maintenance of payments of a membership subscription by each Member.
Any member resigning or retiring from the club shall return all club property immediately. Where there is damage or loss, then that member shall be liable for replacement or associated costs of replacement.
The Committee shall comprise of Officers and Committee Members with the following appointments:
Management Committee Members
Club Committee:
Welfare Officer
Assistant Secretaries
Girls League Secretary
Registration Secretary
Equipment’s Secretary
Social Media Secretary
Fund Raising Secretary
The Manager of each team.
A representative voted for by the players may be present in a non-voting capacity. Each holding office from the date of appointment (AGM) until the following AGM unless otherwise resolved by an EGM (Extra ordinary General Meeting) or resignation.
Officers and Committee Members of the club may be re-elected.
Clarification of Roles and Responsibilities can be found in the welcome pack issued to all managers. Roles & Responsibilities.
The quorum for the transaction of business of the Committee shall be five.
The Chairperson may not vote unless a casting vote is required.
In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson will deputize. In this circumstance, the Vice-Chairperson may not vote unless a casting vote is required.
In the absence of the Manager of any team, his/her assistant can vote on his/her behalf.
For the avoidance of doubt, where one person is elected to fill more than one position, that person may only have one vote. Where the Manager of a team also holds another voting position, his/her assistant can only vote in his/her absence.
Any vacancy on the Committee which arises between Annual General Meetings shall be filled by a member proposed by one and seconded by another of the remaining Committee members and approved by a simple majority of the remaining Committee members.
All decisions made by the committee shall be minited by the secretary or a designated person, copies of minutes from a meeting will be circulated as soon as possible after the meeting, the minutes are subject to approval by the committee at the following meeting when if accepted the chairman will sign them as a true copy.
A Sub-Committee shall consist of a Chairman plus other co-opted members as deemed necessary for the purpose it is set up for.
League Meetings
The Secretary and / or Assistant Secretary or their nominated deputy shall attend all League meetings.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Annual General Meeting shall be held at the end of each season (no later than 30th June).
Unless the closure of the season dates are altered by the Telford Junior League or the FA.
At each meeting the following business shall be transacted:
Chairman’s report of the Committee and Club activities of the Club over the previous year.
Secretary’s report of the activities of the Club over the previous year.
Treasurers report of the Club’s finances over the previous year.
Elect the members of the Club Committee.
Consider any other business relevant to an AGM.
Alterations to the club constitution and rules shall be made only at the AGM or at an Extraordinary General Meeting especially convened for that purpose and with a quorum as defined in rule 10 b 8).
Nominations for election of members as Club Officers or as members of the Club Management Committee shall be made in writing by the proposer and seconder, both of whom must be existing members of the Committee or representing a Member of the Club, to the Club Secretary not less than twenty one days before the AGM.
Notice of any resolution to be proposed at the AGM shall be given in writing to the Club Secretary not less than twenty one days before the Meeting.
The secretary shall send to each member of the committee to their last known email address, notice of the date of the AGM together with any resolutions to be proposed at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
The program of future meetings (Committee / Fund-Raising / Social Sub-Committee and the next AGM) shall be set at each AGM. Amendment of this programme can be made as part of each meetings agenda’s.
The quorum for a general meeting is five.
The Chairperson, or in their absence a member selected by the Club Committee, shall take the chair. Each member present shall have one vote and resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority.
Each Member of the Club (or their representative) shall have one vote. (Representative in this context refers to the parent or guardian of that Member).
Each committee member shall have only one vote, even if fulfilling multiple appointments on the Committee or representing a Member.
In the event of an equality of votes the Chairperson of the Meeting shall have a casting vote.
The term of Committee Membership shall be until the following AGM or resignation by that member.
The Club Secretary, or in their absence a member of the Club Committee, shall enter Minutes of General Meetings into the minutes book of the club.
Committee Meetings
The Committee shall meet monthly and / or when required to discuss matters arising. In principle these shall be the first Sunday after the Monday Telford League meeting unless notified differently by the Club Secretary.
The agenda for each meeting shall comprise of:
Review of previous minutes.
Secretary’s Report (Including League Report).
Treasurers Report.
Chairman’s Report.
Fund-Raising / Social Sub-Committee Reports
Any other Officers Reports
Team Managers Reports
Committee Members are expected to attend each Monthly meeting. Stand-ins from inside the team are expected to attend in place of Managers should they be unable to attend non-attendance will result in a fine.
Apologies for non-attendance are to be sent to the Club Secretary at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Sub committees
Shall meet, at a desired frequency to meet the requirements of the purpose of that committee.
EGM (Extra-Ordinary Meeting)
A minimum notice of 2 weeks is to be given prior to an EGM. An EGM can be called by a minimum of five committee members.
At the conclusion of each season, the Club shall hold its Presentation Night, at which the following trophies shall be presented:
Each Member:
Will receive an individual team trophy.
One Member per each team will choose:
Most Improved Player:
The Player, who in the opinion of the Team Manager, who has improved the most significantly over that year.
Spectators` Player:
The Player who in the opinion of the Teams Spectators has made the most contribution and influence to the Team during that year.
The Player, who in the opinion of the Team Manager whose performance that year most embodies the spirit of sportsmanship and achievement and who shows a great attitude, dedication and contributes to the team on and off the field.
Players’ Player:
The Player, judged by their own Team Players is the best player of that year.
Under 11’s and above have a further award:
Managers Player:
The Player, who in the opinion of the Team Manager has made the most influence to the Team both on and off the field of play.
Manager can award player special awards: such as top goal scorer
A player that has played at Randlay for 5 then 7 years will receive a recognition award for their time served.
Players that have been at Randlay from Mini Colts in every season until U16s will achieve a Lifetime Award:
A player not eligible, may be considered for this award by the committee under exceptional circumstances, such as the age group the team was formed or has been disbanded and player contributions to the team / club.
Other Awards:
Club Person of the Year
A Chairman's Award where the person can be nominated by the Committee, parents and members of the Club. This award is based on the person’s contribution to the Club during the year. The Club Committee is to decide upon who the award is to be presented to for that Year.
The award is to be returned after the subsequent season for presentation to the next recipient.
Team of the Year Trophy Seniors
Which, will be presented as “Team of the Year Trophy”.
To be presented to the team, who in the opinion of the Clubs Team Managers deserves recognition for their performance and commitment during that year. Given on the number of nominations received, however in the event of a tie or any disrepute of the nominated team it will then be discussed by management committee.
Each manager is requested to provide a nomination to the Chairman of recommendation. Without a team’s nomination by their manager or a manager of another team the committee will not automatically select them for this award. Trophy will be kept with the team manager and is to be returned after the subsequent season for presentation to the next recipient.
Team of the Year Trophy Juniors’
To be presented to the team, who in the opinion of the Clubs Team Managers deserves recognition for their performance and commitment during that year. Given on the number of nominations received, however in the event of a tie or any disrepute of the nominated team it will then be discussed by management committee.
Each manager is requested to provide a nomination to the Chairman of recommendation. The trophy will be kept with the team manager and is to be returned after the subsequent season for presentation to the next recipient.
Team of the Year Trophy Mini’s
To be presented to the team, who in the opinion of the Clubs Team Managers deserves recognition for their performance and commitment during that year. Given on the number of nominations received, however in the event of a tie or any disrepute of the nominated team it will then be discussed by management committee.
Each manager is requested to provide a nomination to the Chairman of recommendation.
There will be no team of the year for the 2022/23 season.
The trophy will be kept with the team manager and is to be returned after the subsequent season for presentation to the next recipient.
The Club Financial year shall be from 1st June to 31st May the subsequent year. This can change depending on any changes to the end date of the season made by the Telford Junior League or Shropshire FA.
Teams may request additional funds from the Club, these requests are to be submitted in writing as a proposal to the Committee at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting for consideration and presentation to the Committee members for voting.
The Chairman has the right at any time with in the current year to recall team monies.
The Treasurer of the Club shall prepare an annual Financial Statement which shall be presented at the AGM for approval.
Club finances shall be independently audited and a written report provided to the Committee prior to the AGM. The Auditor shall not be a Committee member or a family member of the Treasurer.
The Chairman shall select one or more team accounts to be audited once a year by another Committee member prior to the Club Finance Audit. The Auditor shall provide the Chairman with a written report.
Bank account(s) shall be maintained in the name of the Club.
Designated account signatories shall be the Chairperson, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
No sum shall be withdrawn from the account(s) except by cheque signed by two of the three designated signatories.
The Club will hold a payment card that will allow for purchases online and via phone. No PIN number will be held for this card and no cash will be removed from them club account using this card.
All monies payable to the Club shall be received by the Treasurer and deposited in the Club account(s).
The club will offer a Standing Order or bank transfer or direct debit as an option to Members for payment of Subscriptions.
The Committee shall have the power to authorize the payment of remuneration and expenses to any member of the Club and to any other person or persons for services rendered to the Club.
Team Managers to submit to the Treasurer on a monthly basis, a report detailing monies collected on behalf of the club and any associated expenditure with appropriate receipts or invoices. Failure to submit finances report for two consecutive months may lead to disciplinary procedures.
Subscriptions are determined at the AGM and are an annual fee payable on joining the club.
Members shall be liable for the Membership Subscription during the team financial year of 1st June to 31st May upon joining the club
A Member shall be liable for the full Membership subscription upon completion of the Affiliated Membership Registration form, when signing at the start of or part way through the year.
The facility to pay subscriptions weekly or by any other means is at the discretion of the Committee.
Subscriptions are not refundable - The principle behind this is that the Member has agreed and taken a team position for that season, other potential players may not have been selected to allow that player the position and the team is likely to continue the season without replacing that member, it also offsets costs for match kit, pitch hire and fair wear and tear of equipment that has been incurred.
Where exceptional circumstances allow and upon written request, the Committee may consider by majority vote a pro-rata reimbursement.
Club Subscriptions (Affiliated Member)
Each Affiliated Member will be liable to pay £150 for annual membership. (exceptions are listed below).
Subscriptions collected by Team Managers are to be paid into the Club Treasurer upon receipt.
Club Subscriptions (Non-Affiliated Member)
Each Non-Affiliated Member will be liable to pay annual membership on a pay-as-you-go basis (exceptions are listed below).
Subscriptions are to be collected by Team Managers and paid into the Club Treasurer upon receipt.
Non-Affiliate Members shall be offered the following payment options:
Weekly payment of up to £2.00 upon attendance of training or participation in other events, unless that event requires payment of greater funds.
Mini-Colts will pay £2.00 per week upon attendance of training or participation in other events, unless that event requires payment of greater funds.
Where a Non-Affiliated Member does not attend a training session or does not play in a match (friendly or tournaments) then that Non-Affiliated Member shall not be liable for a membership fee.
Subscription Exemptions
Where a family unit has three or more affiliated members, only the two oldest members will be subject to paying subscriptions.
Subscription for the two oldest members shall be divided equally (pro-rata) between all affected teams.
Where there are exceptional circumstances, the Committee shall consider these on a case by case basis.
The request for subscription exemption shall be submitted to the Committee via email by the Members representative for consideration and decision.
Membership Registration & Fees
Registration fees shall be liable to all players applying to join as an affiliated member.
The AGM shall set the registration fee for the subsequent team year.
The registration fee for Affiliated Membership is £60.
No registration form will be accepted without an accompanying registration fee in full.
Registration fees shall be refundable if the application is unsuccessful.
Subscription and Registration Fee Payments
Subscription and Registration Fee shall be combined into one payment request (£150.00) upon registration.
This constitutes £90 Subscription and £60 Player Registration Fee
Members shall be offered the following payment options:
Immediate payment in full of £150
One payment of £60 and two payments of £45
Upon signing with Randlay Colts the full £60 registration fee is applicable as the first payment, then the remaining £90 will be split into two payments of £45.
If a Member decides to resign prior to payment in full without a justifiable reason, then that Member shall still be liable for the appropriate payment within the criteria set out above.
Any deviation from the subscriptions payment options must be approved and voted on by the Committee. If done so, the Management Club Committee have the right to suspend a player from playing for non-payment of subs.
NO receipts reimbursed by managers will be used to pay for subs for any player.
All members are liable to pay the full amount of subscription costs, if not paid the Management Club Committee have the right to suspend a player for non-payment.
Subs must be paid within 3 months unless otherwise authorized for an extension by Club Committee
Any new player upon signing with Randlay after the season has commenced must pay the £60 registration fee and the remaining £90 unless joining during the last two months then this will be at the discretion of the Club Committee,
The committee have the right to suspend a player should the registration payments not be made.
Presentation Trophy Fee’s
Affiliated Members shall not pay for the receipt of an individual trophy.
Non-Affiliated Members shall be levied £5 for an individual team trophy.
No member shall be levied a fee for any other trophy.
Team accounts are to run from 1st June – 31st May the subsequent year. Unless the date is changed via the Telford Junior League or Shropshire FA
The Club Treasurer is to hold the account for all team funds.
£100 may be retained by each Team Manager for small purchases. No manager is to hold more than this set amount, any excess must be given to the treasurer personally or banked immediately with reference of relevant team
All payments must be recorded by each Manager on a register sheet and handed to the Treasurer on a monthly basis.
On the 1st September all Teams will pay the following Club affiliation fees (subs) to Randlay Colt’s Football Club:
U7 to U12 Teams - £250
U13 & U14 Teams - £350
U15 & U16 Teams - £400
These fees will cover Club and Team FA Registration and Insurance, League Registration, Home game pitch fees for official affiliated matches, Futsal entry for U7,U8’s and Game Fee’s, Affiliate Member Trophies, Club Trophies, Match Day Equipment Storage, Volunteer CRC and any other costs incurred by the Club.
Teams are liable for the payment of all match day officials, which includes payment of any expenses.
Receipts written should have the following information on them, date, teams playing, name of referee and referees signature
You can contact the treasurer to make payments via bank transfer for any referee payments if this is a preferred method of payment
Teams are liable for any non-official game.
Teams are liable for any training costs incurred.
All teams are encouraged to conduct sponsored activities within the financial year to raise extra funds for the Club and Team.
Where reasonably practical the Club will organize one fundraising activity a year to aid Teams in raising sponsorship money.
In addition to Member payments, the club will deduct an additional £100 per Team for club sponsorship on the last day of Feb. If a team has not conducted a sponsored event or insufficient funds have been raised through sponsorship, then the team shall still be liable for the sponsored payment to the club however if asked by a team not to participate it will be at the clubs discretion.
Where possible, the Committee will assist in the establishment of a new teams kit and training equipment, such as balls, cones, bibs and match day equipment either through internal sourcing, funding or a financial loan this maybe in part or full and on a case by case basis, any kit or equipment provided must be maintained and returned to the Equipment Manager when no longer required to support the establishment of other new teams.
Chairperson’s Reimbursement: The Chairperson of the club is entitled to claim a maximum of £50 to cover his/her expenses incurred during the year whilst carrying out the duties of Chairperson.
Secretary`s Reimbursement: The Secretary of the Club is entitled to claim a maximum of £100 to cover his/her expenses incurred during the year whilst carrying out the duties of the post.
Assistant Secretary`s Reimbursement: The Assistant Secretary/s of the Club is/are entitled to claim a maximum of £50 to cover expenses incurred during the year whilst carrying out the duties of the post.
Managers`/ Assistants Reimbursement: The Manager may reclaim any out of pocket expenses incurred executing team business and may reclaim this from their own team account by producing receipts, however these MUST NOT be exchanged for players subs
Treasurers Reimbursement: The Treasurer of the Club is/are entitled to claim a maximum of £50 to cover expenses incurred during the year whilst carrying out the duties of the post.
Receipts are not required for miscellaneous payments.
The Club Treasurer shall have the power to debit the appropriate team funds with any Team or Player fines received from the affiliated league or any affiliated FA.
Through the Club disciplinary procedure, the Club shall have the power to deduct from team funds any fine imposed upon a team or team member for infringement of this constitution. Any manager/coach fined for breach of the code of conduct, any fines incurred will be personally liable to pay.
A team shall be fined £10 for no representation at a Monthly Club meeting this will come out of team funds.
A team shall be fined £5 for not submitting a monthly team account report to the treasurer by the last day of the Month.
Members registered with the Club are expected to conduct themselves in a sportsman like manner at all times, not to bring the image of the Club into disrepute and to build the image of the Club. Failure to do so in terms of general insubordination, general misbehavior, dangerous or violent behavior or any other infringement of the Club rules shall be dealt with in accordance with the Grievance Procedure.
Managers, Coaches, Committee Members and other personnel
called in to assist in the management of the Club teams shall lead by example. It is essential that the children are managed in line with respect for Club rules, the governing rules of the League and that the spirit of the game is promoted and honored. Poor gamesmanship and/or the use of foul or abusive language shall be forbidden.
The grievance procedure shall deal with all/any complaints in writing within 28 days of alleged offence.
All Managers to follow the Official Club policy on Zero Tolerance, regarding inappropriate language and referee abuse.
All Managers to follow the guidelines and expectations outlined by the Club in the Managers expectations model.
Respect barriers are to be employed at all home games. All spectators are to remain behind the barrier and away from the side/goal lines.
The Club expects all spectators abide by The Football Association’s Codes of Conduct.
The Clubs Grievance Procedure shall adopt and supplement The FA Charter Standard club complaints procedure, Management Committee which will be replaced with a Discipline Committee
Five representatives of the club to be nominated by the welfare officer to form a disciplinary committee which shall determine all matters, except appeals, relating to the grievance procedure, this procedure should be chaired and controlled by the welfare officer.
A minimum of three of these representatives must be present when dealing with matters relating to the procedure.
Infringement of Club Rules, misconduct and/or misbehavior by players shall normally be dealt with by the Manager of the particular team concerned. If necessary, the Manager can call for the Disciplinary Committee to deal with any offences he feels requires that level of involvement.
The following offences must be dealt with by the Disciplinary Committee:
All dismissals, offences/complaints against Managers, Assistant Managers, Club Officials and/or spectators and, any violent or dangerous conduct by any person covered under this constitution.
Any decision made by the Disciplinary Committee must be reported in writing to the offender within 7 days of such decision and a copy issued to the Secretary of the Club.
Disciplinary hearings should be held as soon as possible, but, at least, within 28 days of notification of the offence. Any person failing to attend a disciplinary hearing or failing to respond to correspondence on a disciplinary matter, shall be dealt with in his/her absence by the Disciplinary Committee and notified of the decision as stated in para. e) above.
Appeals against any decision by the Disciplinary Committee must be made in writing to the Secretary of the Club within 7 days of receipt of written notification of said decision.
Appeals will be heard by the Committee, as defined at Section 21c, as soon as possible after receipt.
No one who has had any involvement in the original decision will be allowed to attend the appeal hearing apart from a nominated representative who will present the reasons for their decision.
The decision of the Committee at the appeal will be final and binding.
It is the managers choice of what night and what time the training shall be for their team and winter training will also where can be on the same nights for consistency.
Players and equipment are to be controlled and maintained by the Manager
Any player with boots in a dangerous state, i.e. metal showing through studs, will not be allowed to play because of the risk of serious injury to other players. It is up to each member to clean his own boots and keep them in a presentable and safe condition.
Shin pads must be worn at every game and training session underneath socks and where possible can include ankle protection. It is also suggested that a pair of trainers and spare studs are brought to training and matches.
Damage or loss to Club equipment through neglect, abuse or general tomfoolery will result in the person responsible replacing the lost or damaged article.
Any team kit can be any design but shirts must be predominately royal blue, white and black as per this constitution. Teams may use alternative strips that are not predominately royal blue, white and black, but may only wear these when playing in affiliated games when playing away and where there is a clash of colour’s with the opposing team. All home team games must be played in royal blue, white and black.
Other team kit (e.g. tracksuits, jackets) if embodied or printed with the Randlay Colts emblem or name, should wherever possible reflect the Randlay Colts team colour of Royal Blue and White, but shall be of such a design that it shall be easily distinguishable from the playing kit.
All team kit is ultimately the property of the Club, therefore no sponsorship agreement should be entered into or a claim made by a sponsor where kit is to be returned or handed over to a sponsor after use, but is to be returned to the club for the good and benefit of other teams.
If a team disbands or folds, then the Manager of that team shall be obliged to return all Club assets, such as team cash float, team funds, any sponsor money raised or held or monies relating to training and match kit to the Equipment Manager for the good and benefit of the Club. Any equipment taken must have proof of purchase from managers/coaches or will be classed as property of Randlay Colts
Goalkeepers must wear colour’s which distinguish them from other players and the referee but no player is permitted to wear all black.
Managers are to ensure that First aid kits are taken to all training sessions and matches. First aid kits are to be maintained and stocked adequately.
Managers are to ensure goals are correctly assembled, secured and safe prior to the commencement and during any training or matches.
Team Managers have the option to decide which player may sign for the team and may limit the team size to less than the max set by the affiliated league.
All players and parents must sign an online form giving their permission to sign for your team and will also need to sigh our code of conduct form.
All managers are to hold a register of all Members including Non-Affiliated Members, with names, address and telephone numbers including medical forms for validation of any medical emergency.
A copy of the Members register will be retained by the secretary throughout the season and regularly updated.
In the event of a Members resignation or expulsion then the Members register is to be up dated.
24. Equipment
At the beginning of the season you will be allocated your equipment individually or to share. If anything goes missing, then you will be liable as a team to replace any missing items via team funds however if there are any breakages then the club would replace these at no cost to yourself. If the damage is due to neglect then this will be charged to team funds
Padlock code will be held by committee and will not be given out, you will need to arrange with Phil to collect anything from lockup. This will need to be before 8pm Friday Not on Saturdays.
25. Training
We will as a club still pay for the manager of any new team to qualify for their level 1 Coaching Badge. If the manager leaves after one year they will be liable for the full cost of the course and includes any reaccredited courses funded by Randlay. Unless you are U16’s then it will not apply.
Assistants: the club will not pay the initial fee this will be made payable by the assistant however after 12 months we as a club will pay 50% of the fee back out of team funds and after 2 years the final 50% will be paid,
26. Social Media
The club’s welfare officer should be on every form of social media regarding teams, ie: Facebook pages, twitter, what’s app groups. This is to safeguard yourself and comply with the FA social media policy
Photos are allowed within a closed group but beware when you are posting on individual pages as you may not know which parents have given consent for their child to have photographs taken. The club can post photo's on social media and the club website as long as the photos are checked, ensuring they contain only children who have been given consent for their photos to be taken.
In the event of the Club ceasing to exist for any reason, any excess funds, after expenses and debts have been cleared, should be distributed at the discretion of the Committee. This discretion should be used to benefit the continued development of sport in the local community of Telford.
If the Committee is unable to fulfil this task, the responsibility for distribution of excess funds should rest with the Clubs Auditor who should ensure that they are distributed as stated above.